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Class T-shirt Bid

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Auction Result:
Mrs Hill's Class -Kathy Le $30
Mrs Lin's Class-Susie Zhang $40
Mrs. Palmer's Class-Yin Zhang $45
Mrs. Serafin's Class-Jaeho Song $50
Ms Jackson's Class-Tammy Suen $45
Ms Korver's Class-Wenyin Zhang $35
Ms Rastetter's Class-Yingqi Zhao $30
Ms. Pothitou-West's Class-Lena Pothitou West $45
Ms. Wyant's Class-Jenny Nie $40

Your participation contributes to the Somerset PTSA general fund, which supports various activities, including grants for the Somerset GSA, Curriculum enrichment grants, and more.

Thank you for being part of this initiative and for your continued support!

Our mission is to support the education, health, and welfare of each and every child at Somerset Elementary School. As part of the Washington State PTA, we are a nonprofit membership association bringing together the home, school, and community on behalf of our children.