General Membership Meeting February 13th at 7 pm in the Somerset Music Room

  1. Standing Rule Revised – need to vote on revised standing rules
    1. Proposed Standing Rules
  2. Elections
    1. Mei Xu – Co – Treasurer
    2. Hui Wang and Michael Chen - Co VPs of Programs
    3. Arvind Ganeson – VP of Ways and Means
  3. Announcement of Appointed Directors
    1. Jillianne Brakenridge
    2. Stephanie Keehn
    3. Cristy lacolucci
    4. Stephanie Lee
    5. Carina Lou
    6. Randi Roth
    7. Mike Yim
  4. 2024-2025 Budget – revised
    1. Proposed Revised 2024-2025 Budget
  5. Spring Into Reading
  6. State of PTSA Finances + High Level Overview of State of BSD and State Budget Issues


Our mission is to support the education, health, and welfare of each and every child at Somerset Elementary School. As part of the Washington State PTA, we are a nonprofit membership association bringing together the home, school, and community on behalf of our children.