Priority registrations will be given to PTSA members. Registration will open prior to the close date of the registration, as stated in the program description, if there are any spots available, to non-members. Please check out our membership page and purchase/renew your membership for the 2024-2025 school year! 

IMPORTANT: By registering you are agreeing to the After School Policy  last revised September 9, 2024.

After School Policy, last revised September 9, 2024

FEES: You agree to pay all fees at registration. However, if you are paying by check you agree to deposit your check in the PTSA box no later than 2 business days after you register for the program and prior to the start date of the program.

REFUNDS: No full refunds will be given. If a refund is granted, a 5% tuition processing fee will be assessed on any withdrawal or on any changes between after school programs. Refunds are on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed. You agree that you are registering for program(s) with no expectation of receiving any refund should you choose to withdraw your child. Please make sure you are signing your child up for the correct after school program.

BEHAVIOR: Parents and students are expected to behave respectfully to each other and the coaches/instructors. If we feel you or your student’s behavior is disruptive, or you or your student are consistently disrespectful, we reserve the right to withdraw your student (after sufficient warnings as determined at the PTSA’s discretion) with no refunds. You further agree that any violent behavior may result in immediate withdrawal of your child from all afterschool programs with no refund. Any withdrawal due to disrespect or violent behavior may also affect your ability to register for future afterschool programs.

PICK-UP:  You understand that you must pick up your child on time. Repeated late pickups may result in withdrawal from the program with no refund, and you may forfeit the ability to register for future afterschool programs.

ABSENCES: If my child will not be at an afterschool program, I will email the appropriate chair prior to that day’s class start time. I understand that two unexcused absences may result in removal of my student from the program(s) without refund.

PARENT VOLUNTEER: If there is not at minimum at least one parent volunteer per session, The PTSA reserves the right to cancel that session. It will be your responsibility to immediately pickup your child. There will be no refund issued for the cancelled session. *The minimum number of parent volunteers is at the discretion of the PTSA and the minimum parent volunteer per session will be in the program description.

PROGRAM CHAIR: Our afterschool programs can only be successful with the help of our parent volunteers. We will need one parent volunteer chair per program. The parent volunteer for a program will get priority registration for their child in that same program. Please note that the registration fee is not included- you still must pay the fee for the class!

 Program Chair Requirements:

  • The Program Chair must be a parent or legal guardian of the student that will enroll in the program.
  • The Program Chair must be a PTSA member.
  • The Program Chair must commit to volunteering at every class in the season or arrange for a parent or legal guardian of student’s enrolled in the program to volunteer. The parent or legal guardian must be a PTSA member.
  • All volunteers must have a BSD background check. To obtain a background check, visit here and select "Parent or Legal Guardian Volunteer."

To request to be the program chair, please reach out to the [email protected].

Our mission is to support the education, health, and welfare of each and every child at Somerset Elementary School. As part of the Washington State PTA, we are a nonprofit membership association bringing together the home, school, and community on behalf of our children.